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Root Beer Float Macarons

A few weeks ago, we were able to sample some store-bought macarons. Buying four of them gave us sticker shock at $2.50 a piece! So, we didn’t share them with the kids. Our poor kids. I didn’t realize what an expensive treat they were getting when I make them at home!

Yesterday, I finally got to try baking root beer float macarons! I used my usual base recipe: Parisian Macarons.  I ended up winging the root beer flavor addition though. This is my third time making macarons. You can read about my first attempt and second attempt here on The Geek Homestead also.

These macarons didn’t turn out quite as pretty as my last two tries, but they still tasted great.

Look at that poor misshapen one on the left…

This time, I made an appropriate filling for a root beer float macaron: vanilla bean buttercream. It is half-based on the vanilla buttercream filling for the Victoria Sponge Celebration Cake at Jane’s Patisserie. After visiting that link, I now want some cake!

I was aiming for a vanilla ice cream flavor for the filling and it was perfect.

I used the seeds of a whole vanilla bean in the buttercream. I love the little flecks!

I did make a bit of a mistake with the flavoring in the root beer float macaron shells though. I used 2½ teaspoons of root beer concentrate. I should have used about double that, maybe 4 to 5 teaspoons. I also added a half teaspoon of cocoa powder just to add more color. But the cocoa powder ended up being too strong in flavor. My son Matthias was able to taste the chocolate. I will have to think of another way to add color I think. Brown sugar? Molasses? Or maybe food coloring might have to be the way to go.

I also accidentally made a 2-inch diameter macaron and find that I kind of like that size. I will probably make my next batch that way. Josh has requested jasmine-flavored macarons, so those will be my next macaron experiment.

Macarons make people happy!

I borrowed a book from the library all about French Patisserie and it has a whole chapter dedicated to macarons. I think I might be baking my way through that chapter!


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