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Chocolate Apple Pops

What? Lynn, another post about chocolate? Yes, yes it is.

Delish recipes will often show up on my Facebook feed. A recipe for Chocolate Apple Pops popped up and a friend asked me if I could make them. I said I probably could. Now, before I make them for my friend, I wanted to make sure I could actually make them! So I did a test run of the recipe on the Delish website.

Chocolate Apple Pops Recipe

This recipe isn’t very hard to make, but there are a few things I wanted to mention about what I will change for my next batch of these.

Number one: Use Granny Smith apples.

I used Honeycrisp apples. I adore Honeycrisp apples. They are my all-time favorite apple. My kids love them too. We all win. But I think my favorite way to eat them is just plain sliced with nothing on them.

They worked okay in this recipe, but I really think Granny Smith is the way to go.

Number two: Try to slice the apples so that you miss the core.

I kept the core in this batch and later realized that I probably should try to slice on either side of it. No one wants to bite into an apple seed unintentionally! And… what happens to all the chocolate covering that part… I guess you have to eat it off the core!  I know this is probably a little thing, but I just think it’d be more enjoyable to eat if you don’t have to worry about biting into the core of the apple, even if it is supposed to be a little like eating a caramel apple.

Number two and a half: I’m considering making more of a chocolate hard shell coating (like the ice cream topping) for these, but I am not sure about that yet.

Number three: There is no number three!  Just… boy, these are yummy and we pretended they are healthy even though they are covered in chocolate, white chocolate, caramel, and sprinkles! Did I mention they are covered in sprinkles… twice?

Definitely kid-approved, 4 out of 5 of my kids liked them (Gwen ate all the “good parts” off her apple and left the “healthy part.” lol) A little messy to eat but hey, that’s part of the fun! We went out to eat after my kids tried these apple pops. Most of them had chocolate smears somewhere on their clothing. Oops!


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