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Cookies and Cream Ice Cream

I have been wanting to make Cookies and Cream Ice Cream ever since I got an ice cream maker. I have a memory of ice cream socials at a church, on the island of Guam, I attended as a young child. People would make their own homemade ice creams and bring them to the church to share. In my mind I remember my dad making Cookies and Cream. While it isn’t my favorite ice cream flavor, it does bring up good memories.

My first step in making this flavor was to start with a Sweet Cream Ice Cream. I wanted the base to taste right before the cookies were added. My family enjoyed the Sweet Cream flavor, so the next step was to add the Oreo cookies.

First you should make your ice cream base. It will need to be put in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours to chill. You want it to be cold before mixing the ice cream since it mixes quicker that way.

While your ice cream is churning in the mixer you can get your Oreo cookies ready.

I decided to use Oreo Thins, but any kind of Oreo should work. They have less of the cream filling that I thought might cause clumping of the cookies in the ice cream. I used our food processor the break the cookies into crumbs. I did the cookies in 2 batches so I could have different coarseness levels. I made 1 fine and 1 rougher, but the cookies can be crumbled to the level you want.

The cookies are added to the ice cream when it is almost done churning. You do need to pay attention to your ice cream while it is mixing so you know when to put the cookies in. I listen to the ice cream maker to hear when it is starting to make more noise, sort of like it is having a more difficult time mixing the ice cream. That usually means the ice cream is getting thick enough to add in the extra ingredients. You can also open the lid of the mixer and see what the ice cream looks like. You will only want it to churn enough to mix the cookies into the ice cream, so it really does need to be almost done.

Once the Oreo cookies are fully mixed into the ice cream you can take it out of the machine. It is ready to be eaten at this point, but will be more like soft serve. I usually like to put the finished ice cream in the freezer for 4-6 hours to allow it to harden.

I think this Cookies and Cream Ice Cream turned out really good. All the kids loved it and that is really what I make it for.


Cookies and Cream Ice Cream


  • 4 cup heavy cream
  • 2 cup milk
  • 1 ½ cup sugar
  • 2 cup crushed Oreo Cookies (or Oreo Thins)


  • In a bowl, stir together the cream and milk. Add the sugar and whisk until the sugar is dissolved, 3 to 4 minutes. Test for graininess by tasting a small amount of the liquid; it should feel smooth on the tongue and there should be no sugar visible on the bottom of the bowl when it is stirred or spooned out. Continue whisking, if necessary, to ensure that the texture of the finished ice cream will be smooth.

Chill the Ice Cream Mixture

  • Place a piece of plastic wrap directly onto the surface and on top of the bowl. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours or up to 24 hours.

Churn the Ice Cream

  • Prepare an ice cream maker with at least a 1-quart capacity according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Remove the plastic wrap from the cream mixture and bowl. Pour the well-chilled cream mixture into the mixing container of the ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • While the ice cream is churning, crush Oreos in a food processor or food chopper until you have 2 cups of crushed Oreos. Add crushed Oreos to ice cream mixture when ice cream is almost done and allow to churn until the Oreos are well-distributed throughout the ice cream mixture. When the ice cream is the thickness you desire, you can chill it 4-6 hours or eat it right away if you like a soft-serve consistency.
  • The timing will depend on the type of machine and the temperature of the cream mixture.


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