After 5 years of searching for a home, we found it on a .44 acre of land in the San Diego area of Southern California in October of 2013. It was not perfect, but we could see the potential in the home and land. In April of 2019, after struggling to make ends meet in California, we sold that home and moved to Marana, AZ. We now live in a beautiful 2700 square foot house on 4 acres of desert and we love it!
About Lynn-Marie:
I’m Lynn, a Filipina mother of 6 beautiful children – 5 boys and 1 girl – and married to my best friend. Josh and I met at our church youth group when we were 14 years old. We were only friends for a very long time through high school and most of college. Then, our friendship changed to a courting relationship during my senior year of college. We were engaged on my graduation day and then married 6 months later. We have been married for 18 years now! I wouldn’t change a thing! God has definitely blessed us!
I currently homeschool 5 of our children: Corran – 10th grade, Thias – 7th grade, Ian – 4th grade, Rhys – 2nd grade, Gwennan – 1st grade. Gavin, my two-year-old, creates havoc during school, but we all still love him and spoil him to bits anyway.
We just moved to Arizona in September 2019 and don’t have The Geek Homestead completely set up yet, but we plan on growing as much of our own food as we can. I love to bake new recipes (inspired mostly by the Great British Baking Show). We also like to preserve food by freezing and canning. Josh is also in the middle of setting up composting. Future projects include building a chicken coop and raising chickens, repairing the greenhouse that is on the property, and making use of the observatory in the backyard. Josh and I are also Whovians, Trekkies, Lego fanatics, and Star Wars fans (Corran, our oldest, and Gavin, our youngest, are named after characters from Star Wars books). We also love visiting national parks and are very excited to be living near one! We have also found a great church to attend here in Tucson though we do miss our home church in California too. All these different things add up to the essence of our blog and give us many things to post! I hope that our experiences in these areas – the good and the bad – may be a help to someone else.
About Joshua:
I have always enjoyed growing plants, in particular edible plants. Now we have 4 acres to grow on. We have many beautiful native desert plants as well. My plan is to mix the garden and fruit trees in with the native, and maintain a balance between the two.
I have recently started to learn about food preservation. I like to make jelly and jam, and will be seeing how much other things I can make.
Please take a look at our Facebook page, Twitter account, Pinterest page, Instagram, and YouTube Channel!