This week on the homestead, we have started to see Spring showing around our property. The weather has warmed up, with highs in the low 80s a couple of days. We have seen little wildflowers growing in protected areas. The flowers are hard to see so you have to really pay attention when walking around.

These small yellow roses grow between the house and the garage. They are called Tombstone roses. They take up too much space, making it difficult to walk through this area, but they certainly are pretty. They will need to be trimmed back once they are done flowering.

We have a cactus that has interesting flowers. They are narrow and tube like. I haven’t seen anything like it before.

On Friday, we spent the evening outside because the weather was so nice. Watching the sky change as the sun set was interesting. We can see so much sky here, that it is impossible to truly represent what we see in pictures.

Our chicken run is almost ready. I was able to get it attached to the coop we got from our neighbor. Since I changed design mid-flight to incorporate that coop, it isn’t perfect. The good thing is they will have more space in the run since there won’t be nesting boxes or roosts in that area.
I decided to try and get some grass growing in part of the run. I have no idea how it will do since we are in the desert, and I know the chickens will eat it. I am hoping it gives them a nice place to walk around for a little while at least. If not, I will probably use wood chips so they are not always walking on the dirt.

The chicks are getting big. The original 6 will be ready to live outside soon. They don’t seem to like having their pictures taken right now. Every time I put my phone near them they run away. So I only have a few chick pictures for this week on the homestead and they are not all that great.

I hope that you all are enjoying the coming of Spring as much as we are.