Today’s Lego challenge from Gather Love Grow was to build the Eiffel Tower. Lynn had the boys look up pictures of the Tower to see what it should look like.

Our 11 year old made a good representation of the tower. He used mostly small pieces so it is quite small.

Our 8 year old’s tower seems more like a clock tower to me but he put a lot of effort and work into it. He wanted me to also take pictures of his cannon car with the tower.

Our 6 year old is kind of silly. He made his Eiffel Tower on wheels for some reason.
Many thanks to Isabelle at gather love grow for another fun challenge.
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Ha Ha! I love the cannon car! Your kids did an awesome job, once again! I’m glad you had fun. 🙂
I always show my boys your Lego Challenge posts 🙂 They like seeing what your kids built too!