We had about half a bottle of pomegranate juice left in the fridge. Instead of just drinking it, what did I want to do with it instead?
It’s a little bit crazy, but I wanted to make pomegranate curd!
Of course, I googled it and found a recipe that looked like it would work for me at A Cookie Named Desire. There is something about a blog that has really beautiful pictures that I just love. Right now, I’m afraid my pictures won’t be very pretty, but they do help a post to be interesting! I’m also one of those people who likes to know what my ingredients are supposed to look like while I’m working through a recipe. Even a few pictures of the process helps me with that.
(Quick Note: I’ve found though, that in Dorie Greenspan’s cookbooks I don’t need any pictures. She describes her recipe methods so well and so concisely that it is very clear what your ingredients will look like after each step. I love her cookbooks so much. I think eventually I will buy them all!)
I used POM juice since that is what we had in the fridge. We also happened to have pomegranates in the fridge, but pomegranates are so difficult to juice (much like passionfruit) that we tend to use our pomegranates for eating or cooking.

The method is similar to when making lemon curd. I’m still a bit of a novice at making any curd, so I still had to push mine through a sieve when it was done.

This curd took a little bit longer than I expected to thicken. It’s so crazy how quickly it happens though! One second you feel like you’re stirring juice and the next you’re pulling it off the flame and hoping you didn’t ruin it!

I actually don’t think the color is that appetizing, but boy, does this curd taste yummy! I’m not sure what I could have done to “brighten” the color any. It almost looks like the brownish side of burgundy.

This recipe made a one pint jar of pomegranate curd. We have used it on scones, biscuits, and pancakes. We still have a little bit left, and I am hoping to use it as a filling in lavender macarons.
Your pomegranate curd sounds like it would be tasty. It’s much darker than I thought it would end up. Did you use any lemon juice as well or was it all pomegranate? My blood curd orange juice (I used lemon juice too) turned a salmon orange colour while I was actually hoping for something darker like yours.
I did use lemon zest but no lemon juice. So all pomegranate juice 🙂 I made the 1st version of this recipe at that website. There are 2 versions. The curd did end up darker than I thought it would be. I thought it would be a little more pink than brown. It does taste delicious though!
I’ll have to check out the page.
I HAVE heard of pomegranate curd curd. Raspberry too. The latter uses a certain amount of lemon juice as well as the berry juice … apparently the acidity is needed for the magic of curd to take place. That’s why I added lemon juice to the blood orange curd I made.
The version on top (#2) is the one without lemon juice. The recipe at the bottom is, I assume #1. So you actually made version 2. 🙂
The top version that you made seems pretty thin based on the way it loks on the toast.
If you look at the curds I’ve made, they’re thicker. I think that’s due to the lemon juice. Are you going to try the lemon juice version?
I think I will at some point! I think the lemon juice would add some tartness, because the pomegranate curd did need another layer of flavor, even though it does taste good!
yuuummm!!! i can’t wait to try making this at home!