My mom got The Messy Baker for Christmas.
It looked interesting, so I decided to look through it. Inside there was a recipe for homemade Oreos, which is something I’ve wanted to make for a while. We got the whole family together, and the younger ones “helped” by sifting flour (and making a mess) and pouring ingredients in bowls. These cookies ended up being an all day project, as they had to chill in the fridge. We also didn’t have a big enough baking sheet and had to do it in three batches. I didn’t exactly do a great job filling them. They are kind of sloppy, as you can see below.

We used some black cocoa powder to get as close as possible to the Oreo-y color. This cocoa doesn’t have much flavor though, so we also used normal cocoa powder.
These cookies ended up being very rich. I don’t think I can eat more than one without getting sick, but they do taste very good! As the name of the book suggests, they are pretty crumbly and messy. The cookie part actually turned out a lot crisper than I thought. I assumed they would be chewy, but they almost have a melt-in-the-mouth texture.

I found a recipe close to what we did here.
Overall, this was a pretty good recipe, one that I would definitely make again. The cookies taste very good, and the recipe can be split over multiple days if necessary.

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I would have never thought to make Oreos. I was surprised to read the cookies were crisp as they look to have a chewy texture in the pictures. What a fun baking project.
Corran loves trying to make commercially available snacks from scratch. He has tried to make Cheezits before but those didn’t turn out the way he wanted. He wants to try them again but roll the dough out thinner before baking. The Oreos do look like they should be chewy! But the cookie part is actually closer to a tart crust dough called pate sablee, which is a shortbread texture. These Oreos must have been good because they were gone in about two days. And some of the kids were asking if there were any left after they were gone.