Sometime last week, I made a vanilla custard fruit tart, which meant I had egg whites in the fridge that I needed to use.

A few times last week, I tried to commit to making more macarons… but I just couldn’t bring myself to make them again so soon! Macarons are about a 3 hour process, which is better than the first time I made them, when it probably took me closer to 4 hours!

So I talked myself out of macarons, but those egg whites were still sitting in the fridge bugging me to do something with them.

We had strawberries in the fridge that also needed to be eaten, so I thought I’d try making an angel food cake to eat with them for a dessert.

I don’t own a tube pan so I couldn’t make one of the large angel food cakes. I also didn’t feel like cracking more eggs to get the 5 more egg whites I would need to make a large cake. So a smaller recipe is what I was looking for.

I found one at Delightful Repast. At first, the recipe looked like it might be kind of complicated, but it ended up being one of my easier bakes on Wednesday.

I love whipping egg whites and when they end up glossy like this after adding the sugar,  you just have to admire how pretty they are.

I lined my loaf pan with foil, but I think next time I will line just the bottom of the pan with parchment paper. I ended up losing all the yummy browned crust on the sides when I took the foil off!

I had the loaf pan in the oven for about 30 minutes but this definitely needed longer than that. So after turning it upside down, squishing down the top, and realizing it wasn’t baked all the way through, I put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes.

This will be yummy with some sugared strawberries for dessert!

Now, I have another baked good I can make with egg whites. And this certainly tasted better than what you can buy from the grocery store!


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  1. A_Boleyn

    I’ve got 8 egg whites in the freezer and really don’t feel in the mood for macarons (or macaroons for that matter) but an angel food cake might be nice. I even have an angel food cake pan.

    My history with this cake is not a good one … I think I tried to make one about 10 (or more) years ago. It did not end well and I believe I tossed the results. I may have to try it again.

    1. Lynn-Marie

      When I pulled this cake out of the oven the first time and turned it upside down, the uncooked cake dripped out of the top! So that was how I knew it wasn’t baked all the way through. I am glad I was able to save it though by putting it back in the oven for another 10 minutes.

      1. A_Boleyn

        I can’t remember what I didn’t like about the one I made. I’m pretty sure it was baked through … just not very tasty, I think.

        And it stuck like crazy so I had to chip it off the pan.

        1. Lynn-Marie

          It did stick to the foil a bit so I didn’t like that but the cake ended up being a lot like a very light white sponge cake, which was what I wanted.

  2. thehenperspective

    I try to limit my use of any aluminum containing products as it has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. This recipe looks delicious and I can’t wait to try it when the hens start laying more consistently. Thanks!

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