Today there will not be as many pictures as last week. While working in the garden, I had my two oldest come to cull their plants. I wanted them to cut out the extra plants that came up with some scissors. I guess I gave my nine year old bad instructions or he misunderstood. His beet seeds produced a few plants per seed. I wanted him to trim each spot where the beets came up to only one plant. He thought I meant every square that he had planted. So he cut most of his beets and many of his carrots down. After I discovered what happened some crying happened, and I now felt like the worst dad in the world. I helped him replant where needed, and now I have to hope his plants still do well before the summer heat kicks in.
So here are the pictures I did get to take.
Our lemon tree is doing well so far this year. I think Lynn is going to need to do a bunch of baking with lemons in the near future.
The Pomegranate tree continues to put out flowers. I think we will have many fruits from this tree this year.
I am experimenting with strawberries in one of my raised beds. There is some fruit on them, but I am mostly hoping they survive the summer. I want to get runners off the plants and have a raised bed full of strawberries.
This celery plant took a long time to sprout. I had planted it in the fall, but it took months to finally start to grow. I like the color of the stalks because they are such a vibrant dark green. The celery from the store is always so much more pale then this. I wonder if that is because they are a different type of celery or just that the store bought is picked to early.
The pansies that we planted have started to grow. I never grew these plants from seed before, so I am interested to see how they look as they grow.

Our square foot garden raised beds are starting to look really good. This is such a good way to grow a garden in the urban/suburban setting.
Hopefully, next week I won’t have my son kill his garden so there will be more pictures. I hope all of you that read this are having success with your gardens, and that you enjoy many tasty fruits and vegetables.
I love your square foot raised beds! I remember being so inspired by this concept when I had a tiny garden; it is great to know how much you can put in this space. You look like an expert!