Let’s Can Some Jam!
We were running low on homemade jam, so we decided to spend a Saturday morning canning. Just for fun, we threw in some candied jalapenos too!#can some jam
We were running low on homemade jam, so we decided to spend a Saturday morning canning. Just for fun, we threw in some candied jalapenos too!#can some jam
We are so excited to have our first egg-laying hen. And we are looking forward to many more in the next few weeks!
We had beautiful weather this week. According to local meteorologists we should have had 90 degree weather already. Instead, we mostly were in the low 80s. That is perfect for going outside and exploring the desert plants that are part of our homestead.
Our second batch of chicks is almost 6 weeks old now. I've mentioned before that I suspect our second Easter Egger might be a rooster, but I just am not sure! I thought I would put it out to the Internet to see what people think. Let us know in the comments!
In spite of being sick for part of the week, I was able to get my garden beds finished. We also moved the last of the chickens from the house to the coop.
This Week on the Homestead. 01/19/20 - 01/25/20. This week was all about getting our chicken coop built.